Suboxone Doctor Cumberland MD: Patient Responsibilities

  • Suboxone Doctor Cumberland MD: Patient Responsibilities

    Suboxone Doctor Cumberland MD: Patient Responsibilities

    You’ve probably heard about the drug suboxone before, it is the most popular medication used for treating opiate dependence. The medication is also known as Subutex, and Zubsolv, which are brand names for buprenorphine. Our suboxone doctor Cumberland MD has been educated and certified to prescribe this medication and with it brings a great responsibility to our patients.

    Is There Value in Treating Opiate Addiction with Suboxone?

    The value of using suboxone for opiate dependence treatment has been debated by a long time. With treating patients with this medication there is a great responsibility. According to the Maryland Department of Health and Hygiene, a great deal of thought and debate went into approving this medication for treating opiate addiction. While there is an abundance of evidence that points to the drug being an essential component in healing from opiate addiction, there are still naysayers who feel it is only helpful as a short-term solution. Read on to find out what Precision Recovery feels about using this drug for opiate addiction and why we strongly stand behind our beliefs.


    What Does Our Suboxone Doctor Cumberland MD Think About the Drug?

    Our suboxone doctor Cumberland MD believes suboxone treatment is the ideal way to help ease opiate addicts into recovery. Most people using heroin or prescription opiates have felt the sickness that comes from missing a dose of their drug, because of this it can feel like recovery is beyond all hope. Some people believe heroin treatment should take place in an inpatient setting, because it teaches an addict responsibility and accountability. At Precision Recovery, we require our patients to report to our clinic on a regular basis, which holds a person be accountable for their healing, we feel the medication gives someone the ability to wean off heroin while focusing on rebuilding their life.

    Suboxone Doctor Cumberland MDSuboxone Makes Recovery Possible:

    Once someone has made the decision to start suboxone treatment, it’s important for them to move forward with pride and a plan in place. Our suboxone doctor Cumberland MD knows the battle you face is extremely difficult, but we have seen many of our patients tackle opiate addiction head on and win! By holding up your head and walking tall into your recovery journey, you can attend our clinic and move towards a better, healthier, happier future and that’s what healing is all about.

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